DeVco Wiki
Space Astronomy Material Stats
Material Dur Spd Atk Han Pic Swd Lvl Ability
Wood 97 3.5 0 1 33.95 0 Iro -
Platinum 1050 14 2.5 1.5 1470 262.5 Cob Dense, reinforced II
Stone 131 4 0.5 0.5 52.4 6.55 Iro Stonebound
Electrum 90 17 1 1.4 153 9 Iro Fancy, reinforced II
Iron 250 6 1 1.3 150 25 Red Reinforced I
Flint 171 5.25 1 0.7 89.775 17.1 Iro -
Cactus 150 5 1 1 75 15 Iro Jagged
Bone 200 4 0.5 1 80 10 Iro
Obsidian 89 7 1 0.8 62.3 8.9 Obs Reinforced III
Netherrack 131 4 0.5 1.2 52.4 6.55 Red Stonebound
Slime, green 500 1.5 0 1.5 75 0 Sto Slimy
Paper 30 2 0 0.3 6 0 Sto Writable
Cobalt 800 14 1.5 1.75 1120 120 Cob Reinforced III
Ardite 500 8 1.5 2 400 75 Cob Stonebound (x2)
Manyullyn 1200 9 2 2.5 1080 240 Man -
Copper 180 5 1 1.15 90 18 Iro -
Bronze 550 8 1 1.3 440 55 Red Reinforced I
Alumite 700 8 1.5 1.3 560 105 Cob Reinforced III
Steel 750 10 2 1.3 750 150 Cob Reinforced II
Magic wood 97 1.5 0 1 14.55 0 Iro Modifiable
Nickel 750 11 1 1.35 825 75 Red Reinforced I
Lead 250 9 1 1.1 225 25 Iro Heavy
Silver 80 12 1.5 1.3 96 12 Red Shiny
Slime, blue 1200 1.5 0 2 180 0 Sto Slimy
Pig iron 250 6 1 1.3 150 25 Obs Tasty, reinforced I
Plastic 1500 6 -0.5 0.1 900 -75 Iro Tough
Slime, pink 2000 3 0.5 2.5 600 100 Iro Slimy pink
Unstable 100 7 1 0.6 70 10 Cob Mathematical, reinforced IV
Bedrockium 7500 8 2.5 1.75 6000 1875 Man+ -
Invar 450 7 1 1.4 315 45 Red Reinforced I


  • Reinforced: 10% chance per level of not using durability.
  • Stonebound: The tool mines faster as it wears out, but does less damage.
  • Jagged: The tool does more damage as it wears out, but mines slower.
  • Writable: One extra modifier per piece.
  • Thaumic: One extra modifier for using a single piece, two extra for using at least 3 pieces or by making in entirely from thaumium in the event the tool you make has 2 components (i.e. a shovel or a hatchet).
  • Slimy (Blue Text): Randomly spawns small Blue Slimes (mob).
  • Slimy (Green Text): Randomly spawns small Green Slimes (mob).
  • Tasty: Randomly drops.
  • Modifiable: Gives 1 Modifier per piece or 11 total by making the tool entirely from Magical Wood regardless of how many parts it uses. (Paper gives more mining speed)
  • Heavy (Black Text): Gives you -10% speed per piece while you wield it.
  • Heavy (Purple Text): Seems to act like stonebound.
  • Tough: Unknown effect, presumably similar to Reinforced.
  • Slimy Pink: Unknown effect, presumably similar to Slimy, except with Pink Slimes.
  • Shiny: Unknown effect.
  • Dense: Unknown effect, presumably similar to Reinforced.
  • Mathematical: Tool is unbreaking if all parts are mathematical.(?)


  • Dur is durability, spd is speed, atk is attack, han is handle modifier
  • Pic and swd are custom vales which attempt to score materials on their worthiness as a tool head, and as a weapon. (Dur*spd=pic, dur*atk=swd).
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