DeVco Wiki


  • DeVco is a server network consisting of many modpacks
  • To play a modpack of interest you must select and install it
  • This is made convenient by programs called launchers
  • To see which launcher you require for given modpack, go to, navigate to the "server info" subforum, then open the "how to join" topic

FTB Launcher[]

  1. Download the launcher from



To install packs using the ATLauncher:

  1. Download and open the installation program from
  2. Enter your Minecraft account credentials by navigating to the "accounts" tab.
  3. Download a new instance of your pack of choice via the "packs" tab, selecting the appropriate version. (
  4. Open the "instances" tab and optionally toggle mods as required using the button provided.

Curse Launcher[]

  1. Download the launcher (Curse calls this the "client") from
  2. Run the download setup file
  3. Sign up for a new Curse account by clicking the text
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